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Roberto Termine

Graduated in Chemistry and PhD in Science and Technology of Mesophases and Molecular Materials at the University of Calabria, is currently a researcher at the institute of Nanotechnology of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). His research activity is mainly focused on the study of electronic conductivity on low-weight, polymeric or liquid crystalline organic materials. For this reason, he studies the e charge mobility in such systems by Space-Charge limited Current and Time-of-Flight techniques. He is also interested on photorefractive and photoconductive properties of that class of materials and how they can be exploited in order to prepare innovative organic photovoltaic cells. Recently, he started to realize gold nanoparticles functionalized to be used in different applications.

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iNnOvative subsTRatEs Development for electro-opticAl polyMeric flexible self consistent devices for applications in the field of the Energy saving


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