Chemist, has consolidated experience in the study of light-matter interaction, attested by the activity at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Calabria, where he serves as associated researcher. He was a consultant for the Ministry of Environment of the Italian Government concerning the energy policies and for some companies operating in the field of protective surfaces production. He is the author of over 70 publications on the major international journals in the field of photochemistry and inorganic chemistry.
Immaginate un materiale trasparente come il vetro e appiccicoso come lo scotch che fa risparmiare fino al 30% di energia, riscaldamento d'inverno e
un team di ricercator i guidati da Marco Castriota ha progettato una pellicola elettrocromica da applicare alle finestre. Incrementa l'isolamento t
iNnOvative subsTRatEs Development for electro-opticAl polyMeric flexible self consistent devices for applications in the field of the Energy saving